Looking at the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates can help you decide who you will vote for to be President. In my research on Senator Obama, I have come across a few strengths and weaknesses that have helped me understand more about him. One of Barak Obama’s most obvious strengths is that he has good communication skills. With these skills he can bring people together. His ability to bring people together has helped him reach out to old and young voters at the same time. Because he can reach out to these different groups, it may be possible for him to make some needed change in this country.
One of Senator Obama’s weaknesses has been his inexperience in foreign affairs. When Senator Obama stated that he would be willing to sit down and talk with leaders of other countries that are currently seen as threats to the United States, Senator Hillary Clinton pointed out that his plan would not be in the best interests of the United States. The fact that Obama is only in his first term as a U.S. Senator has also been used to show his inexperience.
The research that I have seen about the Barak Obama’s strengths and weaknesses has shown me that Barak Obama would be a good President. If I were old enough to vote this year, I think I would give my vote to Obama.

That is a very interesting blog entry, Sweetie. I respect your opinion and analysis. You make some good points.
Go Hilary!
I am so impressed with your reasoned assessment of Mr. Obama as a candidate. Your writing is really great! It is organized, articulate, and well-supported with facts.
Ms Kim
PS You must have a GREAT teacher! ;)
I loved Obama's speech on Super Tuesday... very inspiring!!!
Teddy -- I can't wait until you are old enough to vote and you can help elect the right kind of candidates... like Obama.
Aunt Rin
Very well stated! What a great essay you wrote. Barack Obama would really appreciate it.
Obama?!?!?!? I'm for Hillary! But great essay. From Brian
hey teddy its mimi i totaly agree if i would be able to vote i would prabobly vote for obama. But to tell u the truth the real person that i want to become our next president would be Al Gore. I know that he isnt running but if he was i would deffinetly vote for him because i think that he wil really adress the big issue of Globle WARMING! Sadly he isn't . :^(
But that is another reason that i like obama is that he as promised to atempt to end the war in iraq, help fix our nation after what BUSH has done! Also he says (like goer wauld do) that he wants to also help save the planet and stop globle warming. One very important lesson that he is trying to teach america and the whole world is that even if you elect a great president globle warming really starts with YOU!!!
once again much love
You seem to have some great communication skills yourself! Great essay!
Teddy, as a teacher of English for many years, I must compliment your rhetorical skills as they are exhibited in this essay upon Senator Obama's candidacy for the opresidency. Your writing skills are very much matured beyond your chronicle age. I can predict huge success for you as a journalist.
Edward Harris, Ph.D.
just 2 let u know i kinda respect wat u said(yah right)and i like barack Obama too(when pigs fly) but i prefer repuplicains
thank yuo all for your wonderful coments (exsept for matt =/)
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