Monday, January 22, 2007


My cousin got a Nintendo Wii for Xmas. It is fun, but not as fun as I thought it would be. The main reason I don't like it is that it is hard to turn. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingMy favorite game is boxing. My second favorite game is tennis. My third and least favorite is "Tony Hawks's Down Hill Jam".


Lisa said...

I'm so glad you finally got to play with one! Would that have been a good thing to have asked from Santa? Or are you glad you didn't and he brought the Element skateboard instead?

Susu said...

I think Susu will be the one to buy the Wii when I have enough cash. Mimi tells me it is a blast and maybe we will like it more if we have acess to it more often. She says that she actually gets a good workout from it and works up a sweat.

Love you.

Mattchew said...

You should tell your cousin that wii controllers slip out of your hands all the time. He'll hit his eye out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tim said...

Swing at the tennis ball and,
The controller flies out of your hand,
Duck tape them to
Your hands and then you,
Can’t fling them from anywhere you stand.