Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Barak Obama Becomes the President ‘elect

On November 4th 2008 Barak Obama was elected the president elect. The president elect is the person that will come into office when the current president’s term is over. Barak obama will come into office January 24th 2009.

Barak obama is a democrat from Chicago Illinois. He is 47 years old. He won agents john McCain hew is 72 years old. He is form Arizona. Obama won in a land slide victory. Obama has 364 electoral votes. McCain still didn’t break the 170 mark.

You need 170 electoral votes to become the president elect. When Barak Obama becomes president he plans to rivers much of what the bush administration has done. He plans to pull the troops in Iraq as fast as possible. He also thinks we should end our dependency on foreign oil and try to find alternative fuels.

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