Tuesday, January 30, 2007

American Idol

American Idol is a great show. American Idol is a singing competition. The first few weeks are just try-outs. Then it gets serious.

It has been going on for 4 years. Last year Taylor Hicks won. He is my favorite. My second favorite is Ruben Studerd.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The judges are Randy, Simon, and Paula.Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPaula is the nicest. Randy is just OK. Then, there's Simon. He's just plain mean.


Lisa said...

Chris Daughtry was robbed. Nice blog. CUPS, please.

Tim said...

We all watch American Idol,
When it’s on, watching is vital,
We watch Simon sneer,
Paula and Randy cheer,
And we cast bets on who’ll win the title.

Jim Chandler said...

Chris Daughtry rocked! Elliott Yamin was robbed.