Friday, January 26, 2007


Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI have a dog named Tuffy. I have had him for 2 years. I got him for Christmas. He is 2. He is a toy poodle. He weighs 4 pounds. He is a great guard dog . He barks when the door bell rings.


Lisa said...

I love the pix! Nice blog.

Tim said...

Teddy sure loves his dog Tuff,
He's just like a small ball of fluff,
Tuff knows that he loves him,
And thinks the best of him,
But to Tuffy-- it's never enough.

Susu said...

Tedro, Teddington, you better make sure that you and Bitsy are more proactive about having Tuffy go to the potty, mom is on the war path. When I took care of Tuffy for those days that you all went away this summer, Tuffy did not have one single accident because I was always aware of where he was at all times, and I made sure to take him to the potty over and over again. I also moved the poopy pin upstairs, which made it a lot more convenient for me. I know you all are doing homeschool in the basement alot, maybe more than one poopy pin would be better. Discuss the possibility with mom.

Love you.