Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI am saving up my money for Heelys. They have wheels in the heels. When you are running ,you can just shift your weight to your heels and cruise. They cost $60.99. I have $25. I am getting there.


Tim said...
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Tim said...

It's hard to refuse shoes that cruise. Whose bruise do you use in your blues? Here are some clues: He likes to amuse, he likes zoos, he likes shoes that cruise. It’s you (z)!

Jim Chandler said...

Those things are cool. I'd like some myself, but I'd probably just use them for doing housework.

Susu said...

Congrats on earning the money to get those shoes my man.

Tim, again with the mad rhymes. You rock my brother.

Lisa said...

Tim rocks Larry? Uh oh.

Jhonni said...

Heelys are the best! Thank you for teaching me how to use them.
