Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Cell Phone

Cell phones are a great invention. My mom, my dad, and I have cell phones. My sister doesn't want one.
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My dad has a Blackberry. My mom has a new t-Mobile phone. I have a Virgin-mobile.


Bitsy said...

Yeah, I don't have a cellphone. But why do I need one? I can call people from my home phone.

Satintoes said...

hey tetay(from now on im goin to call u that if u dont mind)

i love ell phones!!! i got one for christmass it's a verison nokia

much love

Satintoes said...

i have a question not related to this blog but does bitsay(hahaha) have a blog if so ask her to send mi a link pleeeeeeeezzzzzz
much love