Monday, March 26, 2007

I visited my uncle in Tennessee last summer. He has a lot of lighters. He gave me one. I have had it for one year.

I think that I have been very responsible with it so far. I only use it when supervised. I am going to bring it to camping. We're going to make a lot of fire.

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Lisa said...

Yes, Tedo, you have been very responsible with it. I'm glad Daddy bought you new flints and lighter fluid. Now you are all set to blow, I mean, go!

Good graphic!

Susu said...

Funny picture Tedo, NOT! I think you have been responsible so far and I applaud your work at making sure you are safe. Fire gets away even from professional fire-fighters and it kills. Be smart, play safe and safe means only using fire under direct supervision of adults at all times!

Sarah said...

Funny pitcher Teddy is it supposd to be you.

Summers Blog. gee. how creative. said...

EW. that is the most nasty thing I've ever seen.... well not really. But you know what I mean.

♥ SuMmEr ♥

Unknown said...

Teddy -- That little graphic with the can of gasoline is really funny. You won't be trying that at home, will you?! I will have to show this to Jackson.

Aunt Rin

Satintoes said...

hey tetay(lol)
that little cartoon of the guy burnin up is cuite it kinda reminds me of someone i wonder who that might be umm.... im not sure well
much love