Monday, May 7, 2007

how to take off skateboard grip tape

1. grab your board and find yourself a working space.

2. Grab your tool, you will need a razor blade and a hair dryer.

3.use the hair dryer to heat the grip tape.

4.use the razor blade peel up the edge.

5.then you can start peeling it off.


Susu said...

Where are where are the safety precautions? Always have an adult to supervise when working with danger sharp tools.

I love you Tedo. Please write about your skatepark experience.

Summers Blog. gee. how creative. said...

Teddyyyyy were do you get the grip tape from???? What if I wanted to do this??? I wouldn't know were to get the grip tape!!!! gezzzz..... Oh yea and does grip tape come in different colors!!!! And what if I want to put grip tape back on agin!!!!???? You didn't answer any of my questions!!!!!!


Sarah said...

Thats really cool Teddy. Maybe you could cheak out my blog sometime.


Satintoes said...

hey teddy
i have 2 questions for u today what is the point of taking grip tape off a skate board?? is there a real reason??? ( oh wait i can answer that, i mean this is teddy we are talking about he dosn't need a reason and thats what we love about u ) and now for my second question um... .. can u ask summer how she does that hearts tey are awsome!!
much love