like chicken suites, grim reaper hoods, and back packs aka Ava's devices, what up wit dat. but as i sed before it is extremely fun. but sadly right now i am restriced <.< >.> as josh and kyle would say en geeeeee!

my user name is "hi cornhead" matt hew has commented on my blog a few times is "karnhammer2" . in runesceape u can work on different skills like strength, attack, defiance, fishing, cooking, agility,
I know you reallllly like Runescape, little Buddy.
Don't forget CAPS if you're doing a school essay online. 'K, sweetie?
I love you toooooo much!
Your Daddy's Wifey.
thanx mom i can see you are the only one that comented -.-
Love you, love runescape, hate that you are restricted. Come over this weekend and play until you heart is content. You are my dreamy dreamy boy!
Love Susu.
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